Membership Renewal 2024


We would like to remind you that it’s time to renew your membership with Royal Life Saving Society Queensland (RLSSQ). The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) is a public benevolent institution that has a leadership role in drowning prevention in 27 Commonwealth Countries; the Queensland Branch was established in 1905 and is the oldest life saving society in Queensland. Our motto is:

‘Whomsoever you see in distress, recognise in them a fellow human being‘.

By remaining a member of Royal Life Saving, you are signifying that you desire to be part of a society with royal patronage and for the charitable purpose of drowning prevention.


Membership renewal forms are now available to be completed and can be downloaded from the link below, or from our website homepage. Membership renewal forms need to be completed and returned to remain current. To finalise your membership renewal, you will need to complete and return the below form:

If you are over 18 years of age (and active in the society), you will need to provide a copy of your Blue Card (or Exemption Card) which will be linked to us.


We have created a members hub, which allows members to log into a members area, and renew membership online. Whilst this year membership renewal is completed using a paper based form, we would like to move to an online form next year, hence we have created a members hub.

You are welcome to renew you membership by registering and paying using the hub this year.

You can access the members hub here.


If you are not already, you may wish to consider becoming a facilitator (previously referred to as Recreational Trainer) with us. Have a look at this information sheet on how you can become a Facilitator.


If you work in the aquatic industry and would like to deliver our large range of industry training courses, you may wish to consider becoming a Trainer with Royal Life Saving.

Find our more information here.

Please email all completed forms to

Do not hesitate to contact us on (07) 3823 2823 if you have any questions or concerns. Please also keep an eye on our website and follow/like our Facebook Page to stay updated.