Information about Feedback

We appreciate all feedback that will enable us to recognise and motivate staff & volunteers to continue to provide fantastic service to you, our customers. All feedback will be acknowledged and actioned based on the type of feedback. The information in the frequently asked questions will help you understand how we manage feedback and complaints:

Lodge Formal Feedback or Complaint

Please read the Frequently Asked Question, which can be found below prior to completing the below form. Please complete the below and click on ‘Submit’.

    Your Details

    Privacy Notice
    We respect your privacy. Information collected on this form will be used for the purpose of dealing with your enquiry. This information may be disclosed to relevant staff, officers, members, suppliers, contractors, affiliates and/or training partners. If your feedback involves a person or a response from a person, that person may view the information you have provided in order to respond. Please contact us if you do not agree with our privacy policy as we may not be able to process your feedback. You will be able to access this information by contacting our Privacy Officer.
    Note: Certain information from your computer (including your IP address and other identifiers) will be collected when this form is submitted.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who deals with complaints?

    All feedback will be dealt with differently depending on the type of feedback. The below information will help you understand how we deal with feedback and complaints. Complaints are referred to the respective leader, supervisor, manager or department.

    Shop Purchases

    We suggest you speak to us prior to lodging a formal complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the service provided you can also ask to speak with the supervisor or manager on duty. You can view our shop policy on returns and refunds at this link.

    Matters regarding Courses

    We have a process that is outlined in our Student Handbook for appeals and complaints. Please email your concerns to and our staff will be happy to assist.

    Contractors (including service providers and Contract Trainers)

    Those related to services provided to us by contractors (even if you a re a member).

    All contractors are bound by an agreement (your contract). The agreement outlines a dispute process for contractors and should be followed. if you are dissatisfied or would like further action please contact the relevant manager in charge of the department.

    Matters involving Staff

    Staff complaints should follow the chain of communication within the workplace (i.e. Team Leader, Manger, Executive). Please refer to the Employee Handbook for more information on the process for workplace concerns.

    Matters regarding Trainers

    All trainers matters should be referred to the administration team leader before escelating to the manager of training and education. The trainers agreement outlines a dispute resolution process if you are still dissatisfied with the outcome.

    Can I complain to the board of directors?

    The boards role is to ensure complaints are dealt with in an appropriate manner. The board will advise all operational matters are to follow the correct channels and direct people to the relevant manager.

    Please note that the board will generally not become involved with complaints from staff, trainers or contractors as these are operational matters.