Royal Life Saving Queensland is the leader in drowning prevention and water safety education in the state and is the peak body for water safety.
Nationally, Royal Life Saving has a network of branches in each state and territory. These are known as the State and Territory Member Organisations (STMOs). Internationally, Royal Life Saving is a member organisation of the International Life Saving Federation, a network of lifesaving agencies from across the world who share a commitment to drowning prevention.
Royal Life Saving was the first ‘lifesaving’ organisation in Australia, originating in 1894 we celebrated 125 years in 2019. So for over 125 years, Royal Life Saving has saved lives in the community through education programs, vocational training, health promotion initiatives, aquatic risk management services, community development and participation in sport.
For the Aquatics Industry, Royal Life Saving is the state’s principal organisation in vocational training. As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 5431), Royal Life Saving Queensland is committed to providing quality training outcomes to support the Aquatic and Recreation Industry, as well as the community at large.
Royal Life Saving has a wider partner network who delivers services to the community of Queensland and beyond. This is made up of Queensland Government support, professional suppliers, training partners, professional staff and volunteer examiners. Each of these groups contribute significantly to saving lives and creating everyday community lifesavers.
Lifesavers are everywhere in the community. They can be teachers, students, mums, dads, firemen, plumbers or accountants. They don’t always wear a uniform but they can and do save lives. They are found everywhere in the community. They patrol the houses, streets, workplaces and sporting fields of the communities in which they live. Everyone can be a lifesaver.
Royal Life Saving is a registered charity, a not for profit organisation, a public benevolent institution (PBI).