RLSSQ Launches Virtual First Aid Courses

Royal Life Saving Queensland launches Virtual First Aid courses.

A virtual first aid course is a course completed entirely online and is ideal for those in regional or remote locations that find it difficulty to attend face-to-face courses in metro locations. This ground breaking method merges interactive, self-paced online learning with webinar-style instruction and practical evaluations guided by certified training experts. Before your online session, we will post you a training kit, which including a training manikin and other vital resources so you can complete the course.

The Virtual First Aid course is a little more expensive than a regular first aid course at $310.00, however this cost includes a resource kit (which you keep) and it can be completed without having to attend one of our usual training locations.

Course provided by Royal Life Saving Training RTO 5431. Upon successful completion of this course, a Statement of Attainment in the following units of competence is issued:
HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid